Can Grand Lake’s clarity be fixed?: Read Here

Three Lakes Watershed Association 2019 Annual Meeting Minutes

August 10, 2019

The meeting was called to order by John Brooks at 9 a.m. President Michael Cassio was absent due to family illness.

John reviewed the mission statement of the Three Lakes Watershed Association and highlights of its decades long history. The central focus of the organization remains to improve water clarity in the watershed through improved operation of the Colorado Big Thompson trans mountain water diversion project.

Kayli Foulk, director of the Grand County Water Information Network gave a presentation of the

scope of work for GCWIN which includes extensive water monitoring programs throughout Grand County. The TLWA regularly gives financial support to GCWIN which is recognized as being the most comprehensive water monitoring entity in the county. Most recently, support for GCWIN from the Association included replacing worn out wading boots used by volunteers in the many stream sampling projects in the county. Information from their data base is shared with numerous governmental entities involved with using and regulating water use in the county. Through a Tech Committee those entities include the Town of Grand Lake, Grand County, Northwest Colorado Council of Governments, Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and the State of Colorado Water Quality Control Commission.

Schelly Olson, Director of the Grand County Wildfire Council gave a presentation of county wide efforts to contain and mitigate effects of wildfires on private as well as public lands. Resources are available to private property owners for assessing their property for wildfire prevention practices. The importance of public land management systems which are designed to prevent wildfires was also discussed.

Jeff Metzger gave a demonstration of the Association’s new website which has been redesigned to provide a much more comprehensive source of information about TLWA. Jeff also gave an update on the activities of the Tech Committee in seeking continued support from the Colorado Water Quality Control Commission to enforce clarity standards for Grand Lake.

Howdy Fry gave a presentation of the new membership drive for the Association. The need for increasing the membership was agreed upon by the meeting attendees.

Kevin Ratzmann, Chief of the Grand Lake Fire protection District gave an update of the District’s efforts to improve fire protection methods and in addition, to begin providing Emergency Medical Services to the District. 

Steve Meyer gave the Treasurer’s report. Total fund balances approximate $94,000.

Motion was made and approved for continuing existing Board of Directors for another year.

Meeting was adjourned at 10:45 a.m.


Respectfully Submitted,



Elwin Crabtree,
